After doing some work on predictions for computers, it became clear the best prediction engines are people and lots of them - BIG DATA. So I wondered if the same could be true for Football results. I soon found out the big betting sites had such things, but you using them helped those companies to refine and check their own odds, so in a weird way, you are helping them not you. I decided to write my own, just for fun and just to see.
Its FREE, no sponsors, no agenda, no marketing spam and no guarantees.
Click on your predictions below (2 weeks in advance), to become part of the BIG DATA project.
The predictions, should help you spot mistakes in betting sites odds and give you an unfair advantage, but don’t blame me if you lose, it’s just a computer, lots of data and an algorithm (very hard sums).
If you do win big, you can give me some
The more its used the more acurate the results, so share with everyone you know, or who cares :)